I’m up at four in the morning and grateful because it’s an improvement from my first night when I was awake at midnight after crashing at four in the afternoon. Jet lag, it will make a philosopher out of anyone. After I have thought about everything I can imagine thinking about, listened to the air conditioner banging and roaring, and cuddled with David spitefully hoping he’ll wake up, there’s nothing left to do but give up the fight, turn on the computer, and write a long overdue update.
Let me tell you about the air conditioner in our room – it’s set at 30 c. I understand that’s about 92 f. I’ve never tried to measure the air outside but it’s well over 100 f in the morning when the sun comes up and only gets warmer from there. We are grateful for our air conditioner. The air is not only hot, it’s humid. David is dry when we leave our apartment in the morning and looks like he just stepped out of a shower for the second time when we arrive at the office ten minutes later. We waste no time getting inside the air conditioned office. It feels like we are living in a greenhouse. If only we could have brought our orchids with us! They would have been so happy here.
We have had one week to settle in before we travel on Thursday to our more permanent home in Garo Hills. We have spent most of it sleeping through dinner, watching the sun rise in the morning, and trying to figure out how to buy food. I have an appointment on Wednesday morning with an orthodontist. David is settling in well at the office but I’m still trying to figure out how to be useful. With such an ambiguous job description I don’t expect that to change any time soon. I’ve begun making an ambitious effort to learn Hindi but they don’t speak Hindi in Garo Hills they speak a tribal language. When we leave Garo Hills we will go south where they speak Tellegu. It’s enough to discourage the most dedicated language student. We are just going to have to come to grips with the language barrier. I have not, however, given up entirely. I bought a Hindi grammar book and Hindi English dictionary yesterday on our shopping excursion.
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