Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Corbett national tiger reserve, India

We do apologize for the delay in posting the much anticipated Corbett National Tiger Reserve vacation blog. I'm posting only a few of the pictures today and Gina will tell about them later. I will be posting this by picture groupings.

First for a few legalities: © 2008 by David Helbley
The pictures posted are only low resolution photos but if anyone wants to use them for production or posting on their website please contact me. We can work something out and I have high resolution photos available. My address is: Helb Da (at) gmail (dot) com (take out the spaces and fix it to actually e-mail me.)

Let's get started by setting the mood with a little landscape and the ride into the park.

Strangle Fig Tree

Our first big surprise was when we saw a hot-air-balloon rising from the trees next to us.

Along the way we saw a few birds and 3 of the 4 types of deer to be found in the park.

Sambar Deer (Largest deer in Asia)

Spotted Dear

The "graceful" Barking Deer (smallest deer in the park and we think Asia).

Hog Deer

Sambar Deer

Elephants are always impressive. We saw many wild elephants and took a morning elephant ride. While on the elephant ride. We heard a Tiger roar and Gina and the other riders saw the stripes of a tiger through the underbrush.

Elephant family taking a bath.

Angry mother elephant. Her calf is nearby.

Self-portrait from the elephant ride.
Elephant parking.

We of course ran across several different mammals.

Common Languar

Bad monkey (he stole those nuts)

Wild boar

There are many other animals that will be posted soon... Including some really good bird pictures, crocodiles, fish, and more. For the sake of not putting it off another day we will skip right to the chase.

The TIGERS!!!!

This isn't like the zoo, there are no bars.

Tiger sighted at the end of day 2. Male, estimated age <2.5>

Tiger sighted at the end of day 1. Female known to have 2 grown cubs.

Day 2. Same male tiger crossing the road about an hour later.

Whenever a visitor sees a tiger they get to write about it in the log book and brag on the chalkboard. We got more than our fair share of bragging in. This is Gina and our friend Yakko from Finland in front of the brag board

Well thanks for taking a look. Gata soar.

© 2008 by David Helbley


forkev said...

awesome shots. jim and I often compliment eachother on such a great idea to get you such a good tool/camera.

Ser said...

Hey guys, it's Jackie!
I'm not on anymore.
I've moved to
So check that out.
I recommend Sampasite to you too, it's got a great set up. You can do just about anything with it!
Anyways, enjoy the week and much love from The Dorringtons!