Thanksgiving 2008 Gina and I prepared for our second Thanksgiving away from our families. This time it would be different. This time we had family. Not quite the same as our parents and siblings but we had close friends.
Gina, Charl, and I had been bonding with some of our students for over 8 months when Thanksgiving came. We had been building up to the major United States holiday for weeks. The last 3 Friday Clubs had been dedicated to the teaching our students about one American holiday that we are very proud of.
If my memory serves me correctly, the first week we showed some videos about the Mayflower and gave a brief history lesson surrounding the holiday. The second week we showed "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving." It was crammed packed with USA traditions and expectations surrounding the holiday, including the all American Apple Pie.
We had been served apple pie several times since our arrival in Almaty. There was something different about the local version from the pie from home. I would call the Almaty version "Apple cake". I can't tell for sure but it might have even had yeast in the cake and just a few pieces of apple.
For our third Friday Club before the big Thanksgiving feast we showed a video about how to make American Apple Pie and handed out recipes for many dishes including Pie and vegetarian stuffing. They were all invited to the big feast and encouraged to bring others. This was part of the reason they were also encouraged to bring home cooked food for the festival, especially an American Apple pie for the pie contest.
The students were trained, prepared, and warned that their stomachs would burst by the end of the evening. Now it was time for the big event.
Following the play, we ushered people through line. All of the food the students brought was traditional in nature. They brought the types of food guests are supposed to bring. Cakes, juice, fruit, and other desserts, all of which were good and many were customized for the event. So, it was a good thing that Gina, Charl, and I had been cooking the main course all day. Charl and I are proud to say we accomplished some stellar mashed potatoes. Gina on the other hand touted the worlds largest single casserole dish of vegetarian stuffing, gravy for the potatoes, one apple pie, and three pumpkin pies.
All of the food was delicious. The students especially like Gina's gravy.
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